GHGA Webinar: Biological data visualisation in R and Bioconductor

Our data visualisation mini-series continues!

Effective communication of scientific results relies heavily on good data visualisation, whether we aim to communicate with a lay audience or other scientists.

Earlier this year, we presented an introductory webinar about good data visualisation practice and techniques. And we followed up with a more practical session, teaching you the basics of data visualisation with both R and Python. 

This month, we want to take things a bit further and introduce you to some more R and Bioconductor packages, that our speaker developed for visualising biological and omics datasets. The packages that he will introduce include ComplexHeatmap, EnrichedHeatmap, InteractiveComplexHeatmap, circlize, spiralize and HilbertCurve. Our speaker will introduce both basic and advanced features of these different visualization techniques with real-world examples and will demonstrate how they help to associate multiple sources of information and reveal the unseen patterns in the data. 

The seminar will be given by Zuguang Gu, bioinformatician, bioinformagician, and R package developer at the DKFZ.

The event is aimed at anyone who would like to learn more about visualisation of biological data. Basic R knowledge will be helpful in following this webinar. We also recommend our two previous data visualisation webinars as mentioned above.

The event is in English and will be held on 18 July 2024, 14:00 CEST (available afterwards on demand). Attendance is free, but we ask for registration.