Dr. Florian Heyl


Florian Heyl Florian Heyl

Role within GHGA: Team member, OC- Member

Institution: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum

Workstream: Workflows

Location: Heidelberg

About Me

I studied Bioinformatics in Germany and continued to do my Dr. rer. nat. in the same field at the University of Freiburg, where I worked on RNA-protein interactions. During this time, I came into close contact with the open-source project Galaxy and a world to share software and data in life science. I was soon fascinated by the idea to provide a service to help people with their research and development. 

At the GHGA I took the role as a bioinformatician and scientific workflow engineer to pursue this vision. I am responsible to implement tools and standardize workflows that will soon be part of the GHGA to assist with projects in cancer and rare diseases. 

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