We care about genomic data.
We make it usable.
We protect it.
We are building a secure national omics data infrastructure that provides a framework for the use of human genome data for research purposes while preventing data misuse. GHGA bridges the gap between research and medical care, and creates the opportunity to effectively use both data and technology to develop new therapies and diagnostic tools.
Protecting genomic data.
Understanding the vulnerability of genomic data, GHGA takes multi-layered steps to protect sensitive data. Building secure software infrastructure goes hand in hand with an ethico-legal framework that not only guarantees GDPR-compliance but also development in exchange with and focused on patient needs. GHGA will thereby create clearly defined, democratic access to genomic data for research purposes - enabling the best research results with sustainable effects for the health of each and everyone.
Making genomic research easier.
Decentralised collection and storage of human omics data makes it difficult for researchers to find data, or to safely share the data that they have generated. GHGA will bring these data together, and make them easier to find - enabling researchers to create new cohorts to help validate their findings and provide opportunities for new and novel Big Data techniques. This will ignite further biological discovery and will help to translate research findings into the clinical routine, benefitting patients and adding further value to genomic medicine.
Providing international visibility to German research.
As part of the federated European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA), GHGA makes data sets easy to find, accessible and optimally usable beyond borders - enabling German researchers to shape future international standards for data exchange and take on leading roles in international research consortia (e.g., the 1+ Million European Genomes Initiative and The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH)).
First operational phase
A collection of existing national resources
Standardised data set library with (EGA compatible) GHGA Metadata Model
National EGA functionality
Streamlined data deposition
Unified ethico-legal framework
Harmonised metadata
Restricted Secure Processing Environment (rSPE) for internal use
Community Secure Processing Environment (cSPE) for external use
Standardised data analysis
Data visualisation
Statistics and aggregation
Integration of multiple omics modalities and connecting omics data to phenotypic data