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Bilge Sürün

Data Curator / Bioinformatician

Bilge Sürün Bilge Sürün

Role within GHGA: Team member

Institution: Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

Workstream: Data Hub Operations, Metadata

Location: Tübingen

About Me

I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Statistics and master's degree in Bioinformatics at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara. My Ph.D. work in the Applied Bioinformatics Group, Tübingen, was centered around the goal of developing a software system as a decision support mechanism for clinicians to access data related to therapeutic decisions. It provided me insight into the importance of standardizing genomics data, promoting data sharing, and streamlining well-maintained bioinformatics operations in precision medicine which motivated me to join the GHGA consortium.