GHGA Lecture Series: Sergi Beltran Agulló (virtual)

Doctor Sergi Beltran Agulló from the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico and Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CNAG-CRG) presented "Pan-European data sharing in Solve-RD contributes to diagnose Rare Diseases: can we make an even bigger impact?" at the GHGA lecture series ("Advances in Data-Driven Biomedicine") on October 24, 2022.


Sergi Beltran holds a PhD in Biology and is the Head of the Bioinformatics Unit at the National Center of Genomic Analysis in Barcelona (CNAG-CRG) since 2012. Sergi's group is devoted to the development of sequencing data analysis and management tools and pipelines. The group collaborates with several national and international projects, mostly related to human health. Specifically on Rare Diseases, he leads the RD-Connect platform development, facilitating standardized data collation, sharing and analysis for undiagnosed diseases. Also on Rare Diseases, Sergi co-leads the ELIXIR Rare Disease Community and is a partner in H2020 Solve-RD, H2020 EJP-RD, H2020 Genomed4ALL, IMI2 Screen4Care and Marató TV3 iGenCO.

Sergi also participates in other projects including cancer or common diseases, such as H2020 B1MG, H2020 3TR, ISCIII-IMPACT and Ris3Cat VEIS, and collaborates with GA4GH, IRDiRC, MatchMaker Exchange and the 1+ Million Genomes Initiative. Sergi is an author in more than 80 peer-reviewed publications.