GHGA Webinar: A Beginner's Guide to Research Metadata and the GHGA Metadata Model
- 13 Dec 2022
Metadata - everyone has heard the term, but what does it actually mean? And why are metadata important for research and data analysis? Answers to these questions will be given in the first part of this webinar. In the intro session we will also talk about the FAIR principles and why we need them, and give you some online resources to dive deeper into this topic.
The second part will then focus on the GHGA metadata model that will be implemented for our services. We will explain what it contains (and what it doesn’t include) and how we arrived there - and what might change in the future.
This webinar aims to provide information for students, researchers and clinicians who would like to get some general information on what (bio)medical metadata are. In addition, especially in part 2 of the webinar, we would like to provide information on metadata requirements for users and future users of the GHGA data portal.
The seminar will be given by or GHGA metadata experts, Anandhi Iyappan and Karoline Mauer.
The event is in English and will be held on 13 December 2022, 16:00 CET (available afterwards on demand). Attendance is free, but we ask for registration
Please register here