GHGA represented at ELIXIR Compute Platform Meeting
- 20 May 2022
- Kersten Breuer
End of April, the GHGA development team participated in the "ELIXIR Compute Platform 2022 Face-to-Face Meeting" in Berlin. The main goal of this meeting was to discuss and align ongoing activities around topics such as the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), Life Science AAI, GAIA-X, and GA4GH standards including Passport, Data Repository Service (DRS), Workflow Execution Service (WES), and more.
Kersten Breuer gave a talk introducing the GHGA mission and architecture strategy to the Compute Platform members.
The development team strongly benefits from the general insight into technical efforts carried out by european partners. Moreover, we could identify shared technical issues that we would like to address collaboratively. To that end, two new ELIXIR-internal working groups are forming, addressing the following topics: (1) standardizing workflow inputs and outputs in a workflow language-agnostic way; and (2) identifying Europe-specific AAI needs and use-cases to clearly articulate them to GA4GH. GHGA is actively involved in both of these efforts and is co-sharing the latter meeting series. For more information, please contact the architecture team here.