Role of GHGA within the MV GenomSeq solidifies

As a partner of the genomDE initiative, GHGA experts have helped conceptualise and develop a nationwide platform which, in conjunction with the Model Project Genome Sequencing (MV GenomSeq), enables increased clinical application of genome sequencing and thereby improved diagnostics and personalised therapy identification. 

MV GenomSeq (official name: „Modellvorhaben zur umfassenden Diagnostik und Therapiefindung mittels Genomsequenzierung bei seltenen und bei onkologischen Erkrankungen“ in accordance with Section 64e of the German Social Code Book V) forms the centrepiece of the BMG’s National Strategy for Genomic Medicine and aims to integrate genomic medicine into healthcare in Germany.

The platform of the MVGenSeq is operated by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) as the platform provider. The data platform is structured in a way that clinical data is stored in so-called Clinical Data Nodes and genomic data in so-called Genome Data Centres. This division of data storage will contribute to data security. The Clinical Data Nodes are located at various university hospitals in Germany, while the Genome Data Centres are operated by qualified scientific research institutions. 

Solidifying GHGAs role and involvement in the Model Project Genome Sequencing , BfArM has now approved four GHGA Data Hubs (Heidelberg, Tübingen, Dresden and Cologne) as Genome Data Centres. Two more GHGA Data Hubs (Munich and Berlin) were approved under certain conditions - making GHGA the archive and research platform for genomic data generated within the MVGenSeq.  

More information on the Model Project can be found here (in german):

Footnote: starting upon the announcement of the GRZ (July 3rd 2024), there is a four week period to object to the approved GRZs.