Webinar: A Beginner's Guide to DNA & Sequencing
Webinar: A Beginner's Guide to Single Cell Sequencing
Webinar: A Beginner's Guide to Galaxy
Webinar: A Beginner's Guide to Epigenetics
Webinar: RNA-seq Supported Mendelian Disease Diagnostics
Webinar: A Beginner's Guide to Data Visualisation
Webinar: A Practical Guide to Data Visualisation in R and Python
Webinar: Rare Disease Diagnostics in Complex Genomic Regions with Long Reads
10 Oct 2024
In this webinar Stephan Ossowski shares his experience using bioinformatics analysis of Nanopore LR-GS data for rare disease diagnostics. This includes development as well as application of tools and pipelines for SNV, indel and SV detection, haplotype phasing, length estimation for repeat expansions, genotyping in duplicate genes and haplotype-specific DNA methylation analysis. He will also discuss the quality criteria and benchmarking efforts that he and his group are putting in place.
Feburary 22, 2024
This webinar follows up to the Data Visualisation Concepts with a more practical session, teachingthe basics of data visualisation with both R and Python. We used example datasets to demonstrate packages like base R, ggplot and plotly in R and ggplot, matplotlib, plotly and seaborn in python.
January 18, 2024
In this webinar, we gave an overview of good data visualisation practices and techniques and cover additional aspects like inclusive design choices, storytelling, and interactive visualizations. This webinar covered mostly concepts, but did not teach technical examples in specific coding languages.
28 September 2023
In this webinar, we presented statistical methods that we have developed to find aberrations in the transcriptome, specifically to detect aberrant gene expression and splicing. These methods usually report only a handful of genes per sample and, in combination with rare variants from DNA and matching phenotype, allow to examine just the most relevant candidates. Finally, we showcased specific examples of diagnosed cases and discuss limitations and future directions of this approach.
4 May 2023
Epigenetic modifications of DNA and chromatin provide an additional and complex layer to the transcription regulation of DNA - and play a major role in understanding the development of many diseases, including cancer.
Spread over two parts, this webinar first gives you a brief overview of epigenetic modifications and mechanisms. The second part covers common methods for genome-wide analysis of epigenetic modifications and highlight data analysis tools and strategies.
The webinar was held by Dr. Kathrin Kattler (Department of Epigenetics, Saarland University), who investigates epigenetic mechanisms in mammalian development and various clinical contexts.
28 Feb 2023
The webinar explains how you can use Galaxy to analyze your data, where you can find tutorials for Galaxy, and which data you can analyze with the platform. In addition, it dives shortly into the world of workflow languages and describes how you can create your own data processing/analysis pipeline without programming knowledge. At the end, the webinar presents useful options to interact with the Galaxy community to become an active contributor to one of the largest open-science projects in the world.
24 Jan 2023
Major advances in sequencing technology along with the development of sound analysis methods made Single Cell Sequencing available to a wide community of researchers recently. However, the analysis of sequencing results can still be challenging.
In this webinar, we provide an introduction to single cell sequencing, especially RNA sequencing. Which protocols are used? What are common quality measures? How can I correct for some quality issues? Which tools should I use to process my data, and is there a data processing standard? These are the first questions we want to tackle. In addition, the webinar will explain general analyses procedures and highlight workflows that are being used to unravel RNA sequencing results. We go deeper into singe cell analysis and the webinar will explain buzzwords, such as normalization, dimensional reduction, data integration, and cell label transfer. At the end, we will also touch upon Galaxy as a tool for scRNA analysis.
30 Jun 2022
Divided into two parts, this webinar explains what DNA and RNA is and explores the method of DNA/RNA sequencing. The second part provides an introduction to the bioinformatic workflows that ‘prepare’ the data for analysis, presents examples of typical analysis protocols used in biomedical research and gives a glimpse into how GHGA will be relevant/important in genomic research.