The GHGA Lecture Series "Advances in Data-Driven Biomedicine" is a monthly virtual event series of scientific talks, presenting the fascinating world of data-driven medicine and their ethical, legal and social implications. We aim also to provide a platform for interactive discussion, so we encourage all participants to actively participate in the Q&A section after the lectures.

Invited guest lecturers are outstanding international researchers from different disciplines across omics data sciences. Selected on excellent academic merit and significant contributions to their respective fields, they actively shape international research agendas.

We invite you to join us monthly on Wednesdays from 16:00 to 17:00 (CET) via Zoom. All lectures are conducted in English and are free and open to everyone. Please register in advance using the individual lecture links below.

Past lectures can be found in our GHGA YouTube Channel.

We are very happy to receive feedback or ideas for further GHGA Lectures. Feel free to contact us using the contact form.

Upcoming Lecture

GHGA Lecture Series: Antje Keppler (virtual)

Antje Keppler from EMBL will talk about "The Euro-BioImaging BioHub and its imaging services" at the GHGA lecture series. Register now!

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GHGA Lecture Series: Tudor Groza (virtual)

Tudor Groza from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (Singapore) will talk about "Towards automating the assembly of natural history of diseases" at the GHGA lecture series. Register now.

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Past Lectures

GHGA Lecture Series: Jean-Pierre Hubaux (virtual)

Jean-Pierre Hubaux from the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) presented "GDPR-Compliant Federated Learning on Medical Data". Watch it now!

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GHGA Lecture Series: Sergi Beltran Agulló (virtual)

Sergi Beltran Agulló from the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico and Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CNAG-CRG) presented "Pan-European data sharing in Solve-RD contributes to diagnose Rare Diseases: can we make an even bigger impact?".

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GHGA Lecture Series: William Rayner (virtual)

William Rayner from the Helmholtz Munich presented "Genomic federated data analyses" on 26. September 2022, 16:00 (CET). Recording available.

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GHGA Lecture Series: Becca Wilson (virtual)

Becca Wilson from the Newcastle University presented "DataSHIELD: Secure Data Science Collaboration". Recording available.

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GHGA Lecture Series: Annette Peters (virtual)

Annette Peters from the Helmholtz Munich and Ludwigs Maximilian University Munich presented "The German National Cohort - Overall study design and OMICS concept". Recording available.

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GHGA Lecture Series: Barbara Prainsack (virtual)

Barbara Prainsack from the University of Vienna, and King's College London presented "How can data-driven practices in biomedicine contribute to healthy societies? Empirical and healthy conceptual considerations". Recording available.

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