

From Berlin to Lisbon: GHGA Engages Across Europe

GHGA members participated in key conferences, engaging with diverse communities on topics ranging from European genomic data infrastructure and secure processing environments to systems medicine and research data management.

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Advancing Biomedical Research Data Management Across NFDI Consortia

Five NFDI consortia met in Heidelberg to explore synergies in biomedical data management, laying the groundwork for long-term cooperation to improve the management of complex biomedical data.

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GHGA engages with Communities on Workflow Management and Data Ethics

At the EOSC Symposium and the Nextflow Summit, GHGA members strengthened collaborations, shared expertise, and engaged with international experts on advancing FAIR principles and scalable bioinformatics solutions.

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GHGA and NFDI4Health Strengthen Collaboration with MoU

GHGA and NFDI4Health will intensify their collaboration to develop new opportunities for data analyses that will advance the scientific exploitation of personal health data and eventually improve population health.

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Strengthening community ties: NFDI and bioinformatics

Participating actively in two conferences in September, CoRDI and GCB, GHGA members networked closely with the research data infrastructure and bioinformatics communities.

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NFDI ELSI Workshop with GHGA participation

ELSA Workshop "Anonymization and Data Trusteeship" in Berlin with participation of GHGA Director Prof Eva Winkler, who gave a presentation on 'Ethical Trust Concepts in Medicine and their Implications'.

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Response to recommendations on digitization in health research

NFDI4Health, NFDI4Microbiota and GHGA welcome the recommendations of the German Science and Humanities Council on digitisation and data use for health research and care, and drafted a joint response (German only).

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GHGA takes part in NFDI Science Slam

Under the umbrella of the Berlin Science Week, the FOKUS and NFDI e.V. organized a virtual science slam for NFDI consortia to introduce themselves and their work around research data infrastructure to the general public.

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NFDI: New Activities Kicking off within the Newly Established NFDI e.V.

GHGA is funded by the DFG via the German national program for research data infrastructures, the NFDI. Recently, the NFDI office in Karlsruhe has been turned into a registered association - a “eingetragener Verein” or e.V. in German.

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BMBF introduces NDFI into the World

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) held a press conference to announce the start of NFDI. Following statements by Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek and AWI-Director Antje Boetius, NFDI Director York Sure-Vetter introduced NFDI and its goals.

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Press Release about GHGA

GHGA was selected for funding as part of the German NFDI initiative. Please see the press releases by DKFZ, Tuebingen University and EMBL.

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