GHGA is pleased to announce the legal onboarding of our GHGA Data Hubs in Berlin, Cologne and Munich, marking a significant step forward in the development of its federated data infrastructure.
Learn moreThe Tübingen data hub is now operational, with the first data ingested from the University Hospital of Tuebingen. This step also sees GHGA mentioned as a data repository for the first time in a publication.
Learn moreIn a substantial development, we are proud to announce the launch of the next stage of the GHGA Data Portal, allowing controlled data access directly via GHGA for the first time.
Learn moreThe Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) has approved six GHGA Data Hubs as Genome Data Centres to handle sensitive genome data from patients within the Model Project Genome Sequencing.
Learn moreThe Terms of Use for the GHGA define the services offered by the GHGA Consortium and the performance levels of those services that Users can expect. They also define the conditions that apply to Users when using GHGA.
Learn moreAs an important milestone on our way to launch the GHGA Archive, Central-to-Data Hub Bilateral Contracts have been signed between the DKFZ and TU Dresden, and between the DKFZ and EKUT.
Learn moreGoing into the new year with exciting news, we are pleased to announce that we have concluded the first integration of the core services required for GHGA Archive! As of January 2024, the GHGA Architecture team has deployed this next stage of GHGA for internal testing.
Learn moreThe Max Delbrück Center (MDC) Berlin is now part of the GHGA Data Hub Cooperation Contract. Together with the BIH and Charité, the MDC can start to develop a GHGA Data Hub for storing and sharing of human omics data.
Learn moreWe are pleased to announce the launch of the first phase of GHGA: a public portal for the discovery of human omics study data from German research institutions.
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