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Jordy D. Orellana Figueroa

Software Developer

Jordy D. Orellana Figueroa Jordy D. Orellana Figueroa

Rolle in GHGA: Team member

Institution: Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

Arbeitsgruppen: Architecture, Data Hub Operations

Standort: Tübingen

Mehr über mich

I hold a Master's degree in Advanced Computer Science from Swansea University, whilst my undergraduate degree was in electronic engineering. My doctoral work in the University of Tübingen involved the application of machine learning to archaeological research, but I have also done additional work in the fields of ancient history and classical reception.

I am strongly drawn towards multidisciplinary projects, and I am excited to contribute my technical background for improved health research as part of the GHGA team. My tasks include software development (C3-C5) and Operations (D1, D2)

ORCID  GitHub  linkedIn  Google Scholar