Yun Wang, PhD


Yun Wang Yun Wang

Rolle in GHGA: Team member

Institution: Technical University of Munich

Arbeitsgruppen: Workflows

Standort: Munich

Mehr über mich

Throughout my education and career, I have consistently worked with high-throughput sequencing data. From majoring in bioinformatics during my bachelor's studies in China to focusing on the intersection of evolutionary biology and microbiome studies during my master's and PhD at the University of Freiburg, my academic journey has been deeply rooted in bioinformatics. After completing my PhD, I gained experience providing a wide range of bioinformatics services while working in the Bioinformatics Core Facility at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing.

Within GHGA, my work focuses on leveraging cloud technologies and implementing cutting-edge tools to develop and harmonize workflows.

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